Volunteer Job Descriptions
Learn about ways to help!
Become a Board Member:
Do you enjoy the park with your pup(s)? Are you community-minded and friendly? Do you spend on average an hour a week at the park? If you've answered yes, you are TRULY QUALIFIED to join our board of trustees. Being a board member means attending four meetings a year, talking with people while you're at the park, looking out for issues, and just generally being interested in how things go at the park. We also have two clean-up days each year and love to see as many of our board members there as possible. People from all around the midcoast community are encouraged to join.
We are especially looking for a secretary — This voting board member job entails taking and maintaining notes from board meetings (approx 4 to 6 times a year). Ideally the secretary would also help maintain our membership list as noted below. (This can be shared if needed with a non-board member.)
Join Maintenance Committee:
This is mostly keeping an eye on what needs doing and being involved with projects to maintain the park. Except for mowing and plowing (which is paid for) other jobs are all volunteer.
Maintain Membership List:
Very helpful and can be done from home:
This requires:
Maintain CLYNK bags: FILLED
CLYNK bags bring in hundreds of dollars each year for the park.
Maintaining the CLYNK bags means:
Do you enjoy the park with your pup(s)? Are you community-minded and friendly? Do you spend on average an hour a week at the park? If you've answered yes, you are TRULY QUALIFIED to join our board of trustees. Being a board member means attending four meetings a year, talking with people while you're at the park, looking out for issues, and just generally being interested in how things go at the park. We also have two clean-up days each year and love to see as many of our board members there as possible. People from all around the midcoast community are encouraged to join.
We are especially looking for a secretary — This voting board member job entails taking and maintaining notes from board meetings (approx 4 to 6 times a year). Ideally the secretary would also help maintain our membership list as noted below. (This can be shared if needed with a non-board member.)
Join Maintenance Committee:
This is mostly keeping an eye on what needs doing and being involved with projects to maintain the park. Except for mowing and plowing (which is paid for) other jobs are all volunteer.
- The chips often need raking and full garbage and poop bags need to routinely be brought to the outside of the fence.
- Peter Lammert has been the person making weekly dump runs but would be great if he was helped periodically.
Maintain Membership List:
Very helpful and can be done from home:
This requires:
- some minimal comfort with computers and using google docs
- coordination with the treasurer.
- when memberships or donations come in - either thru the mail or online - the name and info needs to be added to our list and a preprinted thank you letter needs to be mailed out.
- do not need to be a board member.
Maintain CLYNK bags: FILLED
CLYNK bags bring in hundreds of dollars each year for the park.
Maintaining the CLYNK bags means:
- ordering when necessary.
- folding the bags and applying provided dog park stickers.
- maintaining inventory at the dog park, and the Thomaston Library and at the Town Office.
- requires roughly an hour each month. Volunteer does not need to be a board member.
- Pick up poop. We all miss one periodically. Use bags provided to pick up and dispose of poop in SMALL cans noted for poop disposal.
- Empty full trash cans and poop cans. Replace liners with bags from the pavilion. Move the full bags to designated area outside of the gates for weekly pickup.
- Pick up garbage and broken toys and dispose.
- Pick up balls & toys — put them in the toy bin.
- Rake wood chips as needed.
- De-ice/shovel entry and walkway as needed in winter
- Fill holes! There is a pile of dirt by the shed. Shovels are in the shed.
- Take a CLYNK bag home. Fill it with redeemable bottles/cans and take to Hannaford.
- MAKE A DONATION. Every dollar counts! We also have a QR code at the park. Scan and give with your mobile device.
- See an issue that needs attention? Send us an email: [email protected].
Email [email protected] for additional info.
IF YOU and/or YOUR PUP LOVE THE DOG PARK - reach out - we NEED your involvement.